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Sudoku Puzzle Masters December 2024

Sudoku Puzzle Masters December 2024

Sudoku Puzzle Masters is a magazine dedicated to fans of sudoku puzzles, offering a wide range of challenges from beginner to expert levels. It provides hours of mental stimulation and practice for those looking to improve their puzzle-solving skills.

PuzzleLife Sudoku Selection - Issue 85 2024

PuzzleLife Sudoku Selection - Issue 85
PuzzleLife Sudoku Selection - Issue 85 2024

Sudoku Selection is a super package of well-loved sudokus along with an unbeatable selection of sudoku variations, inclusing sudoku chaos, killer sudoku, sudoku triathlon and more. Graded for difficulty from medium to very tricky, Sudoku Selection is just the magazine for the experienced sudoku fan.

Math Puzzles and Games, Grades 6-8: Over 300 Reproducible Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem Solving

Math Puzzles and Games, Grades 6-8: Over 300 Reproducible Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem Solving
Math Puzzles and Games, Grades 6-8: Over 300 Reproducible Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem Solving

Number puzzles, spatial/visual puzzles, cryptograms, Sudoku, Kokuro, logic puzzles, and word games like Frame Games are all a great way to teach math and problem-solving skills to elementary and middle school students. In these two new collections, puzzle master Terry Stickels provides puzzles and brain games that range from simple to challenging and are organized by grade level and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) content areas. Each book offers over 300 brain games that will help students learn core math concepts and develop critical thinking skills. The books include a wide range of puzzle types and cover a variety of math topics, from fractions and geometry to probability and algebra.

5 Crosswords/Sudoku Magazines March 2019

5 Crosswords/Sudoku Magazines March 2019
5 Crosswords/Sudoku Magazines March 2019

PuzzleLife Sudoku Tricky - Issue 35 - 28 March 2019
PuzzleLife Sudoku Relaxed - Issue 6 - 28 March 2019
Family Crosswords - Issue 12 - 28 March 2019
Family Criss Cross - Issue 288 - 28 March 2019
Family Arrowords Selection - Issue 12 - 28 March 2019

Crilly Tony - Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Matematik Fikri

Crilly Tony - Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Matematik Fikri
Crilly Tony - Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Matematik Fikri

Sıfırı kim keşfetti? Neden dakikada 60 saniye var? Sonsuz ne kadar büyük? Birbirine paralel çizgiler nerede kesişirler? Ve bir kelebeğin kanat çırpışı gerçekten de dünyanın diğer ucunda fırtınaya sebep olabilir mi?

Artık okuldayken matematikte ne kadar kötü olduğunuzdan matah bir şeymiş gibi bahsetmekten sıkıldıysanız, Gerçekten Bilmeniz Gereken 50 Matematik Fikri büyüleyici bir evrene giriş için harika bir fırsat. Profesör Tony Crilly, Roma rakamlarından Fermat teoremine; Oyun kuramından sihirli karelere uzanıyor; sudoku, şifre kırma,piyango ya da birleşik faiz hesabının arkasındaki temel mantığı anlatıyor; kalkülüs, istatistik ve cebirin olur da istersek gerçek hayatta nasıl işimize yarayabildiğini ortaya koyuyor. Matematik bundan daha keyifli olmamıştı...
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