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WinCam 3.9

WinCam, Windows için güçlü ve son derece kolay bir ekran kaydedici. Verilen bir uygulamayla, bölgenin veya ekranın tamamıyla ilgilenebilir. Saniyede 60 kare yakalama kapasitesiyle, WinCam, donanım ivmesi videoyu gerçek zamanlı olarak kodlar ve gerçekten zahmetsiz hale getirirken, kaydınızın küçük bir şeyi kaçırmamasını sağlar.

WinCam 3.9

WinCam is a powerful and extremely easy-to-use screen recorder for Windows. It can deal with a given application, a region or the entire screen - and record everything that goes on in there. With the ability to capture up to 60 frames per second, WinCam makes sure your recording doesn’t miss a tiny thing, while hardware acceleration renders and encodes video in real time and truly effortless.

Designed as simple as possible, WinCam is packed with functions that allow for almost any use: recording video tutorials, saving Skype calls, capturing various media in real time and creating visual content in a hit of a button.

Choose the desired video source and effects, click the Record button and proceed as usual: work in any application, watch video or play games. When you’re done, click WinCam icon or press a hotkey, and the video of your activity is ready for sharing.

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