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iCare Data Recovery Pro

Data loss won't be your headache! As a comprehensive data recovery solution, iCare Data Recovery can easily recover files from wrong formatted drives, unexpectedly file deletion, raw drive or raw filesystem, virus attack, partition deleted, software crash etc. It can recover any deleted files like photos, documents, mp3, outlook file, presentations, and it also works with any type of storage media like hard drive, removable hard drive, digital cameral sd card, usb drives, ipod, memory card etc.

"iCare Data Recovery Software combines simplicity of use with the most powerful file recovery software engine, which can search and find files&photos missed by other recovery software, together with a unique capability of "on-the-fly" data preview while the search is being conducted."

iCare Data Recovery Pro
iCare Data Recovery Pro

iCare Data Recovery Software sabit diskten silinen dosyaları geri getirmenin yanında kullanıcılara harici disklerden dosya kurtarma konusunda da yardımcı olabilen bir dosya kurtarma programıdır.

iCare Data Recovery Software yanlışlıkla silinen veya sabit disklerinizi bölme işlemleri sırasında çıkan arızalar nedeniyle veya disk arızası, elektrik kesintisi nedeniyle silinen dosyaları tespit edip geri getirebilmektedir.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

iCare Format Recovery Pro 6.0.2 + Portable

Windows uyumlu iCare Data Recovery yazılımı formatı geri alır, silinen dosyaları geri getirir ve kullanıcılara kaybettikleri verileri geri almakta

1-10-2017, 15:37, Software
Safe365 Any Data Recovery Pro

Safe365 Any Data Recovery Pro Recover All Your Deleted/Lost Files Under Almost Any Condition Quickly and Easily! Safe, reliable and

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iCare SD Memory Card Recovery 1.0.2 + Portable

iCare SD Memory Card Recovery 1.0.2 + Portable You can easily lose files on a variety of storage devices, and it doesn’t have to be your fault

7-10-2017, 17:56, Software
Auslogics File Recovery

Auslogics File Recovery; sistem hataları, virüs saldırıları veya kullanıcı hatasıyla yanlışlıkla silinen dosyaları kurtarmak için kullanılan basit ve

11-07-2021, 00:00, Software
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