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English for Academics 2 Levels + Audio + Teacher's Guide

English for Academics 2 Levels + Audio + Teacher's Guide
Student's Book + Teacher's Guide + Audio CDs

English for Academics is a communication skills course for academics who need to work and socialise in English. Aimed at B1 level and above, this two part series practises using English in a range of situations, from making small talk at a conference to giving a presentation, from reading a range of academic texts to writing academic correspondence, abstracts and summaries. The academic vocabulary lists in the books provide a comprehensive list of key words and the free online audio supports the development of listening and speaking skills. Please click on the resources tab to access the audio and Teacher's Guide for the series.

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Oxford Speak Now Complete - 1,2,3,4

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Real Listening and Speaking (1,2,3,4) with Answers and Audio CD

Real Listening and Speaking (1,2,3,4) with Answers and Audio CD Cambridge University Press | English | 2008 | PDF/MP3 | 426 MB A four-level skills

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Unlock Second Edition (6 Levels)

Unlock Second Edition six-level academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies (CEFR Pre-A1

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Take-Off: Technical English for Engineering

Take-Off: Technical English for Engineering Course Book Take-Off has been designed for non-native speakers of English who are studying Engineering

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