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Grammar and Beyond Essentials - 4 Level + Audio

Grammar and Beyond Essentials - 4 Level + Audio

Four-level grammar course for use on its own or as a companion text alongside other coursebooks.
Research-based and content-rich grammar series for beginning- to advanced-level students. The series focuses on the most commonly used English grammar structures and practices all four skills in a variety of authentic and communicative contexts. It is designed for use both in a grammar course or as a supplement to other Academic English courses.

Grammar Space 1-2-3

13-03-2021, 17:11, e-Books
Real Grammar: A Corpus-Based Approach to English

An innovative corpus-based grammar text, Real Grammar uses the latest corpus research to show how 50 grammatical structures and expressions are used

3-04-2019, 18:06, e-Books
500 Grammar Based Conversation Questions

2-03-2021, 10:53, e-Books