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Gillmeister Automatic PDF Processor 1.41.3

Gillmeister Automatic PDF Processor 1.41.3

Gillmeister Automatic PDF Processor is a software tool designed to automate the processing of PDF files on Windows systems. It offers a range of features to streamline your workflow and save time:

Key Features:
Automatic PDF File Processing: The software monitors specified folders and automatically processes PDF files that meet defined criteria.This includes tasks like printing, sending via email, and organizing files.
Customizable Profiles: You can create multiple profiles with different settings for various processing tasks.This allows you to tailor the software to your specific needs.
Flexible Print Options: The software supports printing PDF files to different printers, with options to print specific pages, adjust print quality, and more.
Automated Email Sending: You can configure the software to automatically send PDF files via email to specified recipients.You can include custom message text and attachments, as well as dynamic content extracted from the PDF files.
Data Extraction and Integration: The software can extract data from PDF files and integrate it into email messages or other documents.This can be useful for automating report generation or other tasks.

Download Gillmeister Automatic PDF Processor 1.41.3 (142.7 mb)
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