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Maxon Red Giant Universe 2025.1.0 (x64)

Maxon Red Giant Universe 2025.1.0 (x64)

Red Giant Universe 2025 is a collection of powerful software tools designed for video editors and motion graphic artists. It includes a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and other editing software, offering features for color grading, visual effects, transitions, and audio processing. The 2025 version is expected to bring enhanced performance, new features, and improved usability for creators, helping to streamline workflows and improve the quality of digital content production.

Download Red Giant Universe 2025.1.0 (x64) (1.72 GB)
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Adobe After Effects 2025 v25.1.0.068

Make a big scene bigger. Create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions. Remove an object from a clip. Start a fire or make it rain. Animate

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