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We Can! - American English series for for elementary students

We Can! - American English series for for elementary students

We Can! by Yoko Mastuka and Glenn McDougall is an exciting, and unique series for elementary students by one of Asia’s leaders in teaching English to children. It's ideal for beginning to intermediate level. In We Can! Yoko Matsuka provides the means for developing the three indispensable elements for success in English—a good curriculum, a good teacher, and good teaching material.

Student Books Key Features:
Easy to Evaluate: The 384 goals make progress easy to see for students, teachers, and parents
Spiral Curriculum: Students constantly recycle and reuse previously learned language
English for Real Communication: Students use English in a real, practical way inside and outside the classroom
Balanced Use of Phonics: Students learn good pronunciation and to read and write on their own
Rhythm and Pronunciation: Students master rhythm and pronunciation skills through songs, chants, movement, drama, and role-plays
Expansion of Discourse: Students develop language competence beyond the sentence level with carefully designed, fun, experience based activities, and real interactions

Student Book with Audio CD
Workbook with Audio CD
Teacher’s Guide
Phonics Workbook (3 levels)
Phonics Workbook with Teacher’s Suite
Class Audio CD
Songs and Chants CD
Flash cards

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

American English File starter 1,2,3,4,5 (Full ebooks + Audio)

American English File gets students talking thanks to its unique and proven formula combining confidence-building, opportunity, and motivation.

13-03-2021, 22:00, e-Books
Becoming an Outstanding English Teacher

28-01-2023, 23:57, e-Books
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