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How It Works Book Of Amazing Technology Magazine - Edition 20 - 2023

How It Works Book Of Amazing Technology Magazine - Edition 20 - 2023

Find out all about the most amazing examples of technology in the How It Works Book of Amazing Technology, from the mind-boggling capabilities of futuristic gadgets, to dissecting the inner working of our everyday objects. Featuring: Gadgets and Future Tech - Explore the most advanced gadgets and technology that will make sci-fi and James Bond movies a reality - and sooner than you'd think! Entertainment - Discover what goes on behind the technology that we use in our everyday lives, and the technology being developed to make our lives easier. Engineering - Find out what role did technology has in building the amazing structures the define our cities and industries, and how we keep it all running. Biotech - Learn all about the medical appliances that have brought the world of medicine and healthcare this far, and see how technology can tune into our biological functions.

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How It Works: Book of Amazing Science

How It Works: Book of Amazing Science From the makers of science and technology magazine How It Works comes Amazing Science, a digital-only edition

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