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The Herb Book: The Stories, Science, and History of Herbs

The Herb Book: The Stories, Science, and History of Herbs

Immerse yourself in stories and pictures of these useful plants, from herb gardens to remote wildernesses.

Herbs have been used by humans throughout history - for cooking, medicine, rituals, and more. They are also a huge part of the modern world, from gardening, food, and cosmetics to medicines fighting diseases such as malaria. With vibrant illustrations and expert knowledge, The Herb Book takes a close-up look at a wide range of herbs from around the world, showcasing their botanical characteristics, medicinal, cosmetic, and culinary properties and uses, and cultural impact on the lives of humans.

Dive deep into the pages of this horticultural handbook to discover:

- Detailed original photography combines with historical and contemporary images to create a compelling visual mix.
- Provides a global view of herbs and their culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses around the world.
- Contains in-depth coverage of over 80 herb species.
- Continues the warm visual aesthetic of The Tree Book

Featuring key scientific facts along with historical and mythological stories, this book provides a rich blend of information on these extraordinary plants and their role in our world. Proving a must-have volume for gardeners, horticulturalists, and amateur herbalists alike, as well as anyone interested in natural remedies, cooks and foodies too!

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