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JavaScript From Zero to Hero: The Most Complete Guide Ever, Master Modern JavaScript Even If You’re New to Programming

JavaScript From Zero to Hero: The Most Complete Guide Ever, Master Modern JavaScript Even If You’re New to Programming

Learn the real power of Modern jаvascript and learn the hard parts with ease.
With the help of this book, you will become a real jаvascript programmer! In this book, we will embrace functional, object-oriented, and asynchronous programming. We will learn how to handle errors like a pro.
jаvascript from Zero to Hero is a complete guide that will teach you the basics of jаvascript and the most advanced features starting from the jаvascript E6 version onwards.

This book is organized into chapters for quick access and easy understanding. If you are new to programming, then the last two chapters are for you! These two chapters will get you the basics before starting to learn the advanced features. The book combines theory, sample code, and screenshots that will help you take advantage of all that’s new. These books cover basic to advanced features like variables, values, types, objects, functions, classes, arrays, modules, promises, asynchronous programming, async/await, MAPS, SET, JSON DOM, operators, regular expressions, and much more.

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JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies

8-04-2023, 00:15, e-Books
Modern JavaScript Applications

Modern jаvascript Applications English | ISBN: 1785881442 | 2016 | PDF/EPUB/MOBI | 382 pages | 13 MB

7-09-2017, 11:12, e-Books
jаvascript: The Stress Free Way To Learning Javascript Inside And Out

jаvascript: The Stress Free Way To Learning jаvascript Inside And Out English | 1 Feb. 2016 | ISBN: 1523825049 | 154 Pages | AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF

7-09-2017, 11:14, e-Books
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