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Detox Our Brain: 10 Strategies for Brain Health and Wellness (Things We Need To Do)

Detox Our Brain: 10 Strategies for Brain Health and Wellness (Things We Need To Do)

If you ever feel stressed, fatigued, or you can’t think clearly, the chances are that your brain could do with a cleanse... and the solutions are surprisingly simple.

Going through changes in life comes with a high price, and wherever you are in your journey, it's likely that your brain could do with a little boost.

By incorporating brain-healthy techniques into your life, you stand to gain improved memory, better cognition, and a reduction in stress and anxiety.

In Detox Our Brain, you’ll find 10 surprisingly simple strategies to give your whole life a makeover and get that brain fog help you need. You’ll discover:
The ins and outs of mental clutter - and what it’s doing to your brain
An introduction to the glymphatic system (not a spelling mistake!) - and why it matters
The 3 fundamental building blocks of health and happiness, and how to make sure yours are providing you with a strong foundation
Exactly how you can benefit from clearing the brain chaos in your mind
The surprising relationship between the clutter in your home and the clutter in your brain - and what to do about it
Proactive strategies for rewiring your brain for optimum function
Why you need to stop being proud of your ability to multitask - and what you should be doing instead
A comprehensive understanding of negativity bias, and how to inject your thoughts with positivity
How to make better decisions and when to stop making them altogether
Practical tips for incorporating brain-healthy techniques into even the busiest of days

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