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Cake & Loaf Gatherings: Sweet and Savoury Recipes to Celebrate Every Occasion

Cake & Loaf Gatherings: Sweet and Savoury Recipes to Celebrate Every Occasion

Gather at home for all your favourite occasions throughout the year and celebrate—dinner to dessert—with over 80 mouthwatering recipes.

Celebrate year-round with sweet and savoury favourites from the beloved neighbourhood Cake & Loaf Bakery. Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with that special someone or your bestie, a birthday, Easter, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day; enjoying a summer party, tea party, Thanksgiving, or a holiday meal with friends and family, you’ll find the perfect recipes to create crowd-pleasing offerings—sweets, savoury dishes, or both—along with lasting memories.

Josie and Nickey love celebrating. Inside they also share their party planning and successful gathering advice—including tips for sustainable hosting, packaging take-home treats and favours, and even how to create sharing platters to round out a party spread—along with their mouthwatering recipes organized by occasion. Every recipe includes make-ahead tips, storage notes, and more so you can plan to make recipes in advance of your gathering—for stress-free entertaining and more time to spend with friends and family on that special day.

Whether you want to make a Mile-High Pulled Pork Mac and Cheese Pie for Father’s Day, Chocolate Dipped Brownie Mummies for Halloween, Apple Cinnamon Bundt Cake for a fall gathering, or Roasted Vegetable Torta Rustica for New Year’s Eve, you’ll return to Cake & Loaf Gatherings time and time again for all your celebrations.

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